Tuesday, May 30, 2006

New beginings

It's almost been a year but many new thing have happened to Mom and Dad.
Lets start From the big move.

Dad Got the house packed up and head south last AugustTo find work. Him and Mom are staying with His mom while they get work and get the work going on there property
He is working driving truck for tyson. He seems to like his Job and his boss is a nice guy.
Dad has a new pet Her name is Suzy 2 She's a chicken

Mom got a job at Family Dollar they opened up a new store in Harmony NC. She too likes her Job and gets along great with her fellow workers Patty and Wanda. Mom still has Colby. She has also found a church that she likes going to.

Just this last month Dad and Mom Found the house they want to put on there property. and everything has been moving right along since. The property got Cleared off 2 weeks ago. Last week wed they had the perk test done then Thursday they came in and put in the footings to put the house on. This week they are going to closing so with luck and prayer the house will be there and moved into by July or Aug.

Right now I am posting the blogger for them Mom and Dad will take over all the postings and pictures once they get the computer set up in the new house