Monday, April 09, 2007

Andrew Flickenschild

Nephew Stevens Baby Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Visit from New York

Pop PA & Celeste
Mor Mor playing with the Hose Jag seeing if erica tastes good oh and thats colby in the back
Erica Alyssa Mor Mor & Colby
pop PA has his hands full. Dolly, Ubu, Colby & Celeste Posted by Picasa
Erica & Heather
We played Jenga (Mor Mor, Tasha Alyssa & Erica)
Tasha sleeping in
Heather got sun burn Posted by Picasa
Heather, Persephonie, & Jag
Cookie (Up From FL), Persephonie, Alyssa, Natasha, Mom, Celeste, & Erica
Gathing eggs Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

New home

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